Equine Cremation: Understanding the Options
For equine owners, cremation has become an increasingly popular choice for providing a dignified final rest for their beloved horses. The cremation process allows remains to be reduced to ashes in a respectful manner, which can then be permanently memorialized in urns, scattered, or transformed into sentimental keepsakes.
At Graver Horse Removal, we work closely with reputable pet crematories that specialize in handling large equine remains with care and sensitivity. We offer two main cremation service options to suit the preferences and budgets of our clients: private equine cremation and partitioned cremation. Here are the key differences:
Private Equine Cremation
With a private cremation service, your horse’s remains are cremated alone in the cremation chamber with their individual cremains being returned to you as the sole contents of the ashes. The entire process is conducted discreetly from start to finish.
Private equine cremations provide peace of mind in knowing you are receiving 100% of your horse’s remains unadulterated. This option is generally recommended for owners who:
– Want to scatter or bury all the ashes
– Plan to use a portion for memorial jewelry, artwork, etc
– Prefer having the remains individually separated
– Are seeking the utmost privacy and dignity
Partitioned Cremation
Partitioned cremation is a more economical choice in which multiple animal remains are cremated simultaneously during the same cremation cycle. Each animal is cremated within its own individual cremation container with spacing between them in the chamber.
Once cremated, a calculated portion of the commingled ashes are separated and returned to each owner. So while the division is carefully partitioned based on size and volume calculations, the remains received are not 100% solely those of your horse.
While less expensive, partitioned cremation still allows for:
– Bringing ashes home in an urn or memorial container
– Scattering ashes in a designated area of significance
– Incorporating some ashes into memorial jewelry/keepsakes
– Choosing private or public viewing options as desired
Whether private or partitioned, cremation provides a way to permanently honor and memorialize your horse while reducing remains in an efficient, clean-burning flameless system. Our team can guide you through costs, logistics and additional memorialization options for either cremation type based on your wishes. Feel free to contact us any time to learn more.