When Is Livestock Removal Covered by Insurance?
The reality of operating a farm or equine facility is that inevitably, there will be the tragic loss of livestock due to natural causes, injuries, or illness that necessitates removal of the remains. While this end-of-life provision may seem like an insignificant cost, the fees for professional removal, cremation or burial, and any other services can add up quickly.
Fortunately, many livestock insurance policies do provide coverage for some or all of these removal-related expenses after an animal’s passing. Here’s a look at some of the common coverages to be aware of:
Livestock Mortality Insurance
Also called Livestock Mortality Risk Insurance, these policies are specifically designed to protect your investment when horses, cattle, or other farm animals pass away unexpectedly. They provide reimbursement for the appraised value of the animal itself.
However, many mortgage insurance policies also include coverage for “closure costs” associated with remains disposal. This can encompass professional removal services like those provided by Graver Horse Removal, as well as cremation, burial, or transportation expenses up to stated limits.
Major Medical/Surgical Coverage
For horses and other high-value livestock, you may also carry an major medical/surgical rider policy. These policies are intended to cover veterinary care and treatment costs for injuries or illnesses. However, they also often extend to covering the physical remains removal if that animal doesn’t survive and euthanasia/disposal is required.
The removal coverage limits can range from a few hundred to a thousand or more dollars depending on the policy’s specifics. Be sure to check your plan documents or speak with your insurer.
Equine Liability Insurance
While not focused specifically on mortality coverages, many equine liability policies bundle in protection for the lawful disposal of remains should a horse pass away at your facility or due to an incident you’re liable for. The removal coverage helps cover your obligations for carcass containment and disposal according to regulations.
No matter what type of insurance you carry for your livestock operations, be sure to look for any references to coverages related to “remains disposal,” “animal carcass removal,” or “livestock mortality procedures” in your policy documents. Then be prepared to follow any requirements around using licensed and permitted professional removal companies like Graver Horse Removal.
This ensures you are fully complying with the terms of your coverage while also leveraging all of the financial protection your insurance provides during this difficult time.